
Ordinal numbers in different languages
Ordinal numbers in different languages

ordinal numbers in different languages

The opposite is a cardinal number, which is the word for the number. They indicate the order of elements in a sequence. At the end, there's a short quiz for you to practice.

ordinal numbers in different languages

Not to worry! After this breakdown, you'll have a crystal-clear understanding of not only what ordinal numbers are, but why and how English speakers use them. Ordinals are used all the time in everyday English, but it can be tricky for non-native speakers to remember how and when to say them.įor example, why can we say "the first group" but not "the one group"? If you find yourself tripping up over these two different forms of counting, you're not alone. Think "first, second and third".look familiar? Those are ordinals!īut why do English speakers use this other form? And when should you use them? If you know your English numbers, you are also probably familiar with English ordinal numbers, even if you don't know them by that name. Counting is one of the first steps to learning any language!

ordinal numbers in different languages

A long, long time ago (probably), you learned your English ABCs and 1-2-3s.

Ordinal numbers in different languages